I've received a lot of feedback on instagram about how I make motherhood look like a breeze
(which is soooo kind, thank you!),
(which is soooo kind, thank you!),
but reality is, Ive been growing up with Klayklay;
The mother in me was born when he was, back on the 7th of July,
and from there, I started learning, every second of the day,
about my baby, about being a mother, about parenthood.
I feel like so much has changed in me, yet nothing has.
It's such a complicated feeling to explain, and you can't possibly understand,
unless you've been through it.
Unless you have become a mother yourself.
All in all, it makes me so proud to say that I am Klay's mother,
no matter how much responsibility that entails,
how many sleepless nights I've had and will be experiencing,
how much personal time I don't have anymore...
It's still the best thing I've ever done.
But there are so many things that have helped me with this difficult but rewarding first 3 mowith a newborn, and here are a few that I found made life much easier for us as new parents.
and from there, I started learning, every second of the day,
about my baby, about being a mother, about parenthood.
I feel like so much has changed in me, yet nothing has.
It's such a complicated feeling to explain, and you can't possibly understand,
unless you've been through it.
Unless you have become a mother yourself.
All in all, it makes me so proud to say that I am Klay's mother,
no matter how much responsibility that entails,
how many sleepless nights I've had and will be experiencing,
how much personal time I don't have anymore...
It's still the best thing I've ever done.
But there are so many things that have helped me with this difficult but rewarding first 3 mowith a newborn, and here are a few that I found made life much easier for us as new parents.
Swaddle, swaddle, swaddle
You've probably seen this word a billion times if you've been reading up and preparing yourself for taking care of a newborn baby.
It actually means "wrap your baby up in very soft blankets like a baby burrito"
and it works like a gem,
especially with Klay being a very active baby who always wakes himself up when he kicks or moves his arms.
Swaddling effectively bought us an extra hour or two of sleep every night.
Thank goodness for swaddling!
and it works like a gem,
especially with Klay being a very active baby who always wakes himself up when he kicks or moves his arms.
Swaddling effectively bought us an extra hour or two of sleep every night.
Thank goodness for swaddling!
Bedtime Essentials
I have been pretty keen on co-sleeping since I was pregnant, as I was planning to breastfeed and nurse on demand when Klay was born and knew it was just the best way for both of us at night.
I also knew the cons of Klay co-sleeping in the same bed as my husband and I,
so I needed a bed that could be connected to ours for easy nursing in the middle of the night.
This Chicco co-sleeper cot Next2me was just what I needed!!
I love how I can just open my eyes and see him there, sound asleep.
Or when he wakes up crying, I can be there right away to soothe him.
Honestly, highly recommended.
I have been pretty keen on co-sleeping since I was pregnant, as I was planning to breastfeed and nurse on demand when Klay was born and knew it was just the best way for both of us at night.
I also knew the cons of Klay co-sleeping in the same bed as my husband and I,
so I needed a bed that could be connected to ours for easy nursing in the middle of the night.
This Chicco co-sleeper cot Next2me was just what I needed!!
I love how I can just open my eyes and see him there, sound asleep.
Or when he wakes up crying, I can be there right away to soothe him.
Honestly, highly recommended.
As for pillows, many say that newborns don't need a pillow,
but since Klay was born with a round head, we wanted to keep it that way,
so he has slept with this Babymoov Lovenest head rest since we came home from the hospital.
My friends with toddlers whom has used this from birth has proven that it does keep babies heads in a nice shape! : D
My friends with toddlers whom has used this from birth has proven that it does keep babies heads in a nice shape! : D
A Safe and Snug Carrier
The Ergo Baby 360 carrier is our best friend when it comes to bringing Klay out and about for running errands, strolls around the neighborhood or our random shopping trips.
Once we put him into the carrier, he falls asleep, and pretty much stays asleep for the rest of the trip!
You won't believe how convenient that actually is....
Anddd when you are baby-wearing, especially newborns,
we tend to worry about whether or not it is safe for the spine and hips of our baby,
but the ergonomics of the Ergobaby carrier makes sure that your baby is always snuggled up to you in a position that is safe for his growing muscles and bones.
I also bought the infant insert with my carrier which is designed for 0-4 month olds,
but we ended up only using it about 3 times because it was way too hot for it in the HK summer weather, and Klay started getting too tall for it anyway.
If your baby has good neck muscle control and has a strong neck at a younger age,
there are hacks that you can look up on youtube as to how to carry your infant in the carrier without the infant insert.

But anyway, I highly recommend the Ergobaby carrier because it is also easy to handle if you are a new parent and are going out and getting baby ready to go out by yourself.
Very user-friendly!
Baby in Car
"You need a carseat with a newborn!" said everyone.
And yes, after we got ours we were so happy that we did.
It takes a few rides before baby gets used to it, but they start enjoying it so much after!
I don't know about other brands, but Klay falls asleep in his Recaro car seat soon after the car begins to move, before we even get to the end of the street.
I've also linked a baby mirror for the car, where you put it on the head rest in front of your baby's car seat so you can see what they are up to through the rearview mirror while you're driving!
Especially useful if you tend to go on a lot of car trips with baby alone.
I haven't bought one myself yet, but will do soon, and this one I find is the best, as it seems like it's more versatile and would fit in a wider variety of head rests.
Bouncers are your best friend
No matter how much you like to hold and cuddle with your tiny bub, you're going to need to put him down for some hands-free time over the course of any day.
Sure, you say you can put him down in his cot or on the couch (with safety precautions) and let him lay there while you go about doing your own thing around the house,
but reality is, after he passes the "newborn sleep" phase
(where he sleeps until he's hungry, and then he goes back to sleep again),
he's going to get bored and whimper or cry his way out of there and into your arms again.
My Babybjörn bouncer has been one of the best and most needed baby item we have at home.
(We got it in the mesh material, which I feel is ideal for Hong Kong's hot summer days, and am planning to put cozy blankets or muslin clothes over it for the winter when it gets cooler so he doesn't get too cold while he's sitting in it.)
Klay loves to sit in it, because it snuggles him up as if someone is holding him, and when he moves (which is often), the bouncer bounces to his motions.
Sometimes, when he's fussy after being fed and diaper's changed, and doesn't seem to want to lie down or be held, we put him in his bouncer and he gets so smiley and talkative.
It's so lovely!
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